August 2008
My friends constantly tease me about being a hippie--and I'm completely at peace with that {pun definitely intended.} Sure, I love weird music, tie-dye, my long curly hair, worn out jeans, and hemp jewelry. I found a quote in a magazine that I think describes me really well: "bohemian-modern, with an eclectic flea-market vibe." I'm also pretty sure that my artsy tendencies show through in my work as an aspiring photographer.
When most people think of hippies, they think back to the 60s and 70s--Vietnam, free love, Greenwich Village, peace signs, long hair, etc. From a Christian's stand point, most of these things have negative connotations. The so-called "hippies" of the 60s took Biblical principles and ran with them in a sinful direction. Peace and love are 2 of the top 9 signs that the Holy Spirit is working in a person's life (Gal. 5:22.) What would our world would be like if the Church took as strong a stand for these things as the residents of Greenwich Village did?
So do I consider myself a "hippie"? Am I all about peace & love? You bet. But the kind that only Jesus can bring. :)
I think you meant the 60's not the 70's.
Yeah, I guess it started in the 60's and carried over into the 70's. Thank for the correction. :)
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